Story of the day 5 (Slovenian day)
Today after breakfast our hosts had prepared the most important activity we had to do in the whole program. We went to a little forest near Novaci, we wore gloves, got some Garbage bags and starred collecting the trash from the forest all together. After 20 minutes of collecting trash and a couple of bags full with garbage we discovered an enormous pile full of them. After almost 2 hours we had cleared it all. We removed in total more than 25 bags and some random things like half a Bathtub, a mattress and a huge pile of hotwire. Took some pictures with the mayor and the bags full ot trash we collected ant then went back to the house.
Then we learned about recycling in Slovenia. Slovenians are really progresive towards recycling. Like for example, they have five different types of trash bins. How cool is that? And the fact about its aforestation really surprised. I understood, that Slovenia has a really rich wildlife, which is one of the important things for a nature.
The first workshop of the afternoon was about the history of Slovenia, a place settled by romans, then becoming a principality, comprised of Austrian and Slovenian lands, later becoming part of the Habsburg Empire. After the first world war, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia came into being, giving place to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, after the second world war. Slovenia as a country became independent in 1991 as the consequence of the 10 day war, fought in the same year.
Then we played some games.We did two games and one dance. The first one was a catching were all people were sitting in a circle and one person had to put one paper ball on one person's back, then that person would had to catch the first one, if he was able to run a complete circle he would stay on the place, and the second one, called "Boogieman", consisted of having all people on one side and the boogieman on the other. The boogieman had to run forward, bringing them to his side, until there is no people left. The boogieman could not move to the sides.
For their cultural night Slovenians prepared a table full of traditional sausages (Kranjska klobasa) and slices of marmorni kolač (cake) and potica .The food was interesting and unique . After the serving we danced traditional slovenian dances (polka) and we had fun together.
