Story of the day 3 (Lithuanian day)
Today on the 3th day we had some Lithuanian energizers. In the first one we held hands tigether in a circle that moving around while there was a person standing in the middle and whenever that person showed an excercise we had to do it too. Then the person in the middle picked someone else.
In the second one there was a rope and we were all standing by it on one side. Then someone was telling us the words "star, sun, sea, moon" and we had to jump to the right or turn around because each word was an instruction for a specific move. The person who made a mistake was out and the last one was a winner.
Im the third game we stacked our hands together in a circle amd then jumped away. Then we had to slap eachother's wrists around the circle in one direction. If you did manage to slap your neigbour's wrist, he had to put his hand behind his back and when both of his hands were behind his back, that means that he is out. The last person to still be in the game-you guessed it-is a winner!
For Lithuania's country presentation, we all participated in a quiz about the country, but separated into 5 teams. The questions were about random facts about the country, such as who is the current president, when did they join the EU, what was their highest ranking in Eurovision, etc. Surprisingly, two teams won. All of the winners got a delicious cinnamon cookie. We also watched a video tutorial on how to make the national dish, cepelinai. Lithuania's basketball star Jonas Valančiūnas was featured in the video. Recycling
At first Linas presented Lithuanian ways to fight wasting of earth’s resources like taromatas, public events and other stuff.
Then we worked at groups, creating projects about recycling. Art side shined and after some time we had lots of masterpieces, asking the people to think about enviroment. It wasnt the most interesting activity, but at least it was earth-oriented. Outdoor activity
The hottest day of the program and our hosts had prepared for us a very pleasant surprise. They had booked a bus that got us to an awesome place with a poll, billiards, ping pong table. After more than an hour playing at the pool under the sun most of us stayed inside filling our time with table tennis, board games, billiards and other activities, while others preferred sunbathing and chilling outside. After that we returned back to the house and prepared for the next activity.
Lithuanian idea was to have a recycle Time which means that we had to make teams. Each team had a big paper that they had to write and draw about different topics for recycling . Lithuanians team goal was to make us creative and motivated about environment. After preparing our projects , we had to present our work to the other teams.
Finishing up the day we had the Lithuanian culture night. They brought a lot of different food and drinks in order to show us a bit of the Lithuanian traditions. From all of these, we call out the mead, a strong drink that has a particular and great flavour. From the foods, we found the šakotis really interesting. It is a cake with a cookie texture, and a soft sugary taste.
There was a lot of music and talking, allowing us to learn more about a different culture. After that, we played some popular Lithuanian games aa time passed.
