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Recycle for your Life (Day2)

Writer's picture: Fthia in Action GreeceFthia in Action Greece

Story of day 2 (Portuguese day)

Energizer Once more right after the breakfast we went for an energizer activity and it was the funniest of them all. The Portuguese team learned to all of us some classic scout games some of them were about running obstacles like "mosquito" and others were more violent like the the "star" and "crocodile" which had more contact but were extremely funny.

Then Portuguese's started their country presentation by showing of their stunning theatrical akills Because they just fell into their roles. For a moment David was an old monk, dying from huger and bent over from old age, at another he is still a young guy. Katarina’s old woman’s portrayal was fascinating. Her costume made look her 100 years old.

Another myth was great too. A story, of a true love and giant’s courage in a little man’s body. If I would need to describe, what honor is, I would have to tell you that story. Country presentation including traditional cuisine and history. The portuguese food is divided by region, but it doesn't differ much throughout the country. It is based on potatoes, seafood (mainly codfish) and meat, whereas the desserts are based on egg yolks and plenty of sugar.

We learned that Portuguese history can be divided into three stages. In the early stage they became an independent country and established borders which have barely changed since then, making them the oldest established borders in the world. In the discovery stage the Portuguese sailed around the world and colonised a lot of land. In the latest stage, the Iberian Union destroyed their monopole over the world. They also suffered through a dictatorship which ended in 1974 with a peaceful revolution. After the plays, the Portuguese talked about the environmental problems that Portugal faces, as the goals of waste production are over the European establishments. They showed a video interview of Manuela Castanheira, an environmental engineer, who was kind to talk about the subject.

Portuguese cultural night

In the evening of the 3rd day, the portuguese one, there was a cultural night. We were in the backyard of the house and firstly there was a table with some traditional portuguese food (such as their cheeses, salamis, traditional drinks and some sweets). Then the portuguese declamaited us some of their most famous poems and the english translations were stunning. After that we just made a circle, someone was playing the guitar and we sang. It was really nice and I learned a lot about Portugal.


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