Story of day 1
Energizer (Romania) One of the most kinetic and energetic activities of the project. In the morning after breakfast we all came together in a big circle and started moving, dancing, squatting pretending to ride a horse ,like in a summer camp. It was fun and helped everyone wake up easier. Luckily this will happen everyday but from another country each day with different funny games.
Fears and expectations. The first ice breaking game of the day was about our expectations and fear about the project. Each person had to write their feelings towards the project on a post-it note and fix it into a board, for everyone to see. After that, we presented ourselves to the rest of the group, and talked about our motivations on coming to the project
The secret friend A game we write our name on paper and we put them all together, we randomly took out one paper, after, we received an envelope and decorate it as we wanted. The goal is everyday we communicate with our secret friend by putting something in the envelope.
Buddy soul We have to make sure our buddy soul arrives on time for the activities. We are responsible for them to have fun and never be alone.
Notebook's for everyone, name tags and team work The greek team was generous enough to give notebooks for everyone and each one . After that , Radu gave us some duct tape and all of us wrote our names so it will be easier for everyone to remember names and finally learn them , that helped a lot to get to know each other. Then, Radu explained to us a team game and we worked as a team of 5 people. Thats was very interesting because we came more closer between us and its was very helpful especially for people that are introvert.
Rules game The purpouse of this game was to make a common set of a few key rules that everyone can follow. We got into five teams and inside each team "roles" have been divided. A "party person" had to make a few very miled rules so everyone can still have as much fun as possible. But then the "hardworking person" had to make very strict rules so that everything is in order and goes according to the plan. Then the "citizens" decided which rules they liked and they maybe changed them a bit, while the "mayor's" job was to keep the democracy and make everything moderate. After every single of the 5 teams made a list of roles we preseted them and had a bit of discussion. The ones that we all really liked had been written down on a big piece of paper. So now we have a common set of 5 rules that everyone can follow.
Hiking If you want to see Romania at its finest - just take your hiking shoes and go for a simple walk in the mountains, full of saturating blackberies, refreshing streams and free animals. And of course, breathtaking sights. We strided for about 10 kilomtres during crazy Romanian summer heat over our heads but no one didn’t even bat an eye! Flowing conversations, songs and beautiful mountain peaks kept everyone energised and happy. Some hikers even were a bit sad that the time went so fast. At first we thinked that we will come back exhausted. But at the end, we even wanted more, not only the King’s road!